Workout A:
Squats: 5×5
Bench: 5×5
Barbell Row: 5×5
Barbell Shrugs: 3×8
Tricep Extensions: 3×8
Curls: 3×8
Workout B:
Squats: 5×5
Press: 5×5
Deadlift: 1×5
Barbell Row: 5×5 @ 90% of Day “A”
Closegrip Bench: 3×8
Curls: 3×8
this is a good starter programe so your week would look like this
mon workout A
tue rest
weds workout B
thrs rest
fri workout A
sat and sun can also be rest or just can repeat process
also i have not put any cardio this can be done on rest days or every day if really want to but as bigginer i would stick to 30-45 mins on rest days
also can put some abs workouts in there leg raises and situps what ever you feel like but remember abs will never show untill bodyfat is low