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Old 11-29-2014, 02:16 PM
stillgoingstron stillgoingstron is offline
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The exercises you need to learn will be compound exercises. These work most of the body as opposed to isolation exercises that work single muscles. You can add in these single muscle exercises at a later time.

Deadlifts, squats, barbell rows, military presses (especially standing), bench presses, pull ups and dips are all excellent exercises and done properly in a proper program will give you an excellent base on which to build the body you want.

Some people think you can over train, some don't and others are somewhere in between. Personally I think its easy to overtrain. However I'd suggest you work to whatever program you decide to follow and if you feel the results are slowing or stopping when you don't think they should, then consider taking more rest days or doing less on workout days. Like your diet this is something you will need to sort out for yourself.

Don't neglect legs. The benefits of working legs are immeasurable. When you work legs your entire body benefits. The aches and pains don't last forever.

Good luck.

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