Thread: balkan labs LOG
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Old 10-21-2014, 12:59 PM
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dfwtp dfwtp is offline
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final weight
very successful
all in all one hell of a year

dont want to get into placings as I was warned by 2 promoters in my area not to travel to compete where I did

lots of complaints about collusion and lots of political posturing about where you are from
people who have won multiple shows this year in other places were there and placing 4th

I brought a whole crew of people so I was given a "consolation" placing out of respect, but for the most part from what I saw, what I heard, and what the reactions were, it wasnt really close.
I believed the overall was mine, but this was not my time

Sometimes things happen for a reason, and they are often exactly what needs to happen at that moment

in the moment they dont make any sense, but I know 6 months from now when the bar is heavy and bending from the weight, this scenario will play in my mind and since I cannot accept it, I will strive on and push through because this feeling will remain fresh at that time

no downloaded pix yet but will be looking for them
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