title says it all.
i ve done a recomp with cutaxyl for 14 weeks @ 0.5 ml/day (even posted a review here). Equals 175 tren ace, 175 test prop and 175 drostanolone (masteron) prop/ week.
total = 5+kgs of fat lost, 6+ kgs of muscle gained. very very satisfied. went down to 6% for the first time of my life.
went on trt for 4 or 5 weeks with test prop at 180/week first 2 weeks then 90 / week for next 2 (added some proviron 50 mg/day).
pct for only 10 days put on some fat (around 3%) am getting shredded again using only dieting, cardio and a very low amount of clen (1 week @ 80mcg/day did the job).
Hormonal-wise I am almost back to normal at least thats what my blood test said
Gains wise I kept everything, i only gained a couple kilos of fat while my hormones where getting back to normal (this is my fault, I couldn;t control my appetite right partly due to increased estrogen.). Now im at 8%, and trimming the fat down as I said.
I want to bulk AS CLEAN AS IT GETS and am considering tbol. is it going to give me gains compared to tren, or should i stick to just a tren cycle? (tren is king dont get me wrong, you feel like a god, you train like a god, you become like a god, I just think tbol is quite less taxing on the system)
cycle will start in about 2+ months (time on=time off!!! so I got plenty of time ahead of me to consider what my next cycle will be).
I m not anywhere near my natty potential so ill keep most of it. At least I kept every gram of gains i made with tren.
Huge Tom i need your input here.
Also im quite prone to gyno from test so dbol and every aromitizing compound is out of the question (have to take exemestame even with 150mg test prop/week).
Had 0 problems with HCG and prolactine during the tren cycle.