Thread: whey
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Old 09-17-2014, 02:29 PM
stillgoingstron stillgoingstron is offline
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This is just one side of the argument. For Lynn (not you Eazy, I know you are just repeating this info) to say that eating any more is a waste is just not true. We are just not designed that way.

We don’t just shit out unused protein if we happen to eat more than 24g in a three hour period. We store it to be used for when we can’t get any protein. That storage will be in our muscles, our tissue and yes, if we eat too many calories or protein to exceed our calorie demands in our adipose tissue (blubber). This storage gives the body the means to reuse this protein (essential amino acids) in times of shortage. Just because bodybuilding has become increasingly popular over the last half a century or so and because supplement companies have designed products to help us eat ‘properly’ doesn’t mean that our bodies have also changed or adapted to eat the way these supplement companies would like us to eat.

Protein, especially whole food and fatty protein, is very satiating and that is probably why many bodybuilders choose to spread out their protein meals throughout the day. That’s also why many choose to add a much easier digestible liquid protein such as whey.

As long as you consume the appropriate amount of protein to suit your body size, energy requirements, muscle building needs etc it really doesn’t matter how many hours, within reason, it takes to do that.

Another good read Eazy. It’s good to give us all a prod and get us thinking!

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