Thread: UK Blood work ?
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Old 08-10-2014, 09:36 PM
dasilvababy dasilvababy is offline
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Definitely want to run a cycle, but if i find out i have low testosterone it would be a good thing to get therapy..
having read a ton of steroid related info i've been noticing that i have been showing many of the symptoms of low testosterone so it just made sense to go get them checked, i have recently moved house so i will be trying another doctor and he should have access to my previous tests so i'll ask again.

and get tests done again if i can, but not sure they check for everything

Found a site that is offering to get 6 of following done for £200

Choose from:
Oestradiol (E2)
Thyroxine (T4)

obviously better if i could get this checked for free but i doubt they check for everything, maybe just had a bad first experience with my doctor.

I just think he thinks i'm up to something because he remembers me being very over weight for my height almost 100KG at 5 foot 7 and 34-36% body fat and then all of a sudden i walk into he's room one day completly changed at 78Kg and 15% body fat i think from a doctors perspective he must of thought i was pulling a fast one.
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