Thread: Female gear use
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Old 07-16-2014, 08:50 AM
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ve seen the whole show of this
not a great watch and im bit of jodie fan
also to say she was champion of usa when all she won was 2 bit small natty local show
and then to say she came 4th in ibbff show is cos all the other girls are taken gear maybe its because its thougher fed or maybe the other girls have trained far longer and have better bodys i mean she had only been training year and a bit and hse wants to win it all and say she reached the top of bodybuilding
also the stunt man who says hes heart exploded is joke yes he was taking steriod but they failed to mention on the show he had £300 a day coke habit and to be fair gear and drugs just dont go cant burn candle at both ends ZyZZ springs to mind
anyone else seen this full show and what they think bodybuilder who does like internet pron the ways she bounces her pecs so boobs swing round cracks me up

also loved the female
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