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Old 06-06-2014, 11:29 PM
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Originally Posted by erich1b View Post
while the dosage for the juice is not incredibly high, his blood pressure of 170/110 is in the range of stage ii hypertension, and that ain't good. Personally, i wouldn't tell someone not to worry too much.

Stage 2 is 160/100 and up.

So, was this a one time occurrence? Has it been consistently this high for a while now? When was your bp taken (e.g. After exercising, in the am, in the pm, etc.)?

If you have a primary care physician, i'd suggest discussing it with him or her.
just for note.. He needed to have with stats checked out with his body & blood before he even jumped into this.. Ive never heard of anybody elevating tht quick with such a weak dose... So obviously this dude had stage 2 hypertension before goin on... Which in turn really isnt good and shouldnt be using in the first place.. Or ujtil he gets his hyper under control... But there also could be other factors in this,, as in drinking booze,, doing drugs,, smoking.. Eating the wrong foods ... SOME PEEPS JUST HAVE GENETICALLY HIGH BP AS WELL... I APOLOGIZE TO SAYING NOT TO WORRY BUT,, THE FACT REMAINS IS THT HE SHOUD OF CHECKED HIS STATS BEFORE JUMPING INTO THIS.... MY BAD..

Last edited by 13uie67; 06-06-2014 at 11:31 PM.
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