Two days on, one off, three days on, one off.
Rep range is from 6 to 10.
Warm up first, then start with heaviest weight, as I tire, the weight gets dropped so that I can stay in the same rep range- if that makes sense.
Abs are done Saturdays and Tuesdays
Calves are done on Sundays and Wednesdays
Saturday - Chest (current routine to focus on more upper chest thickness)
5 sets incline dumbells
4 sets flat bench dumbells
3 sets of dips
2 sets cable flys to failure
2 sets of high rep dumbell pullovers
Sunday - Back (back exercises are varied each workout, but set pattern stays the same). Due to some serious low back pain, I don't deadlift or do low back extensions.
4 sets front lat pull-downs
4 sets cable rows.
3 sets machine rows for upper lats
3 sets dumbell rows
3 sets mid-back machine rows
2 sets of high rep mid-back dumbell rows.
Monday - Off (busiest gym day at my gym)
Tuesday - Shoulders/Hamstrings
4 or 5 sets of rear delts uisng one of the pec decks at the gym
5 sets of seated military presses (done to the front)
4 sets of side delt raises
6 sets of shrugs
5 sets of seated machine hamstring curls
4 sets of lying hamstring curls
3 or 4 sets of standing hamstring curls (one leg at a time)
Wednesday - Arms (exercises are vaired most workouts)
5 sets seated dumbell curls
4 sets machine preacher curls
3 sets of high rep bicep flexes done on one of the cable machines
(while doing triceps, I use a lat bar gripped at one end and do forearm curls between sets)
5 sets of tricep pushdowns
4 sets of seated behind the head machine extensions
4 sets of cable kick-backs
(done as a superset)
4 sets of dumbell forearm curls
3 sets of hammer curls
Thursday - Quads (can't squat or load any weight on my back due to serious pain)
5 to 6 sets of leg slides
5 sets of lying machine squats
3 sets of leg extensions (moderate weight, done to failure, really focusing on getting a good tight squeez each rep)
3 sets of individual leg extensions (different machine from other leg extensions)
Friday - Off
I'm a hard knock flier and a rainbow rider, a straight shootin' son of a gun...
DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to be wrong on every statement I make....