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Old 05-20-2014, 03:07 PM
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Huge Tom Huge Tom is offline
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Well, Technically you can mix water and oil based together, however here are some important factors to consider:
What may happen if you mix water based steroid and oil based steroids together?

1. abscess
2. a lot of pain

Why to complicate things?

If you still insist than I would only understand if you are professional bb who already takes a lot of injections and simple want to avoid more injections would do this.

1. Do it only when you really cant take any additional injections and to avoid that you will put an oil and and water based product together.

2. Do it correct. They wont mix well(even if you shake syringe well) so you will FIRSTLY put INTO SYRINGE oil substance and then water.

Each one needs different pressure for injecting so inject one then another.
So you will inject in buttocks firstly water then oil.

3. 23 Gauge will be needed.

Now you have some facts.

I prefer to do them separately.

Originally Posted by stillgoingstron View Post
Why would mixing oil and water be a problem? It all goes to the same place.
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