Injections for rookies
I have been on my eod cycle for 3 weeks. I ordered my gear. and the needles and syringes came a few weeks later seperately. My gear came right in my mail box. But I had to pick up my syringes and needles at the post office. I was nervous but I knew they were legit and no need to worry. Hugh tom is a trust worthy source. So I had some left overs from last summer 22 gauge 4 cc 1 1/2 in. Hugh tom sent me 24 gauge 2cc 1in. From my research 24 gauge is the norm. I used my 22gauge needles multiple times up to 3x. Needless to say the 3x was a bitch. 22 gauge makes it hard to to push the gear in. I had my old lady do it for me and it was 1 1/2inch needle 22g. Ok so I used the 24gauge 1 in 2cc much better I have over 30 of them in individual package. From my research the 1inch is only good if you have low body fat on the gludes since gear must be injected deep in the muscle and gludes are the largest must effective muscle to use. I switch sides on my eod pins. My ass did have some soreness but now I am able to man up and pin my self and the soreness is minimal. So the 24 gauge needle and only used once IMO is a lot smoother with less pain. I do wish they were 1 1/2 in but the 1 inch is ok for me since my bf is low. Any other advise would be great thanks guys.
Cut mix 150 & test prop 100 eod
Winni 20mg 2x ed first 4 weeks and last 4 weeks.
34yr 5'7 170lbs