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Old 04-29-2014, 10:38 AM
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Default the real facts

i personally dont use pro-hormons because in a nutshell there actually more worrse than taaking gear.. you would be better off taking the gear.. thee is aalot of bidders (junk) with the synthetic d-bol molecule and cause faar more damage than gear aalong.. thats why if u noticed the companies tht always turn out these products are on the shelf for a minute and then all of the sudden there gone.. its because the FDA realized tht theyy where trying to replicat the d-bol molecule in order to hide it form the FDA... and in order to maske the d-bol molecule form the FDA they keep comming up with new masking techniques to get it past the FDA.. and in doing so they fill the fillers with junk.. BOTTOM LINE.. and ur bassically doing d-bol and at tht taking in alot of junk as to if u would just run real d-bol alone.. and with better results.. plus pro-hormons are considered a steroid pre-curser.. and just that speaks volumes.. so dont buy any saalesmans b.s about how its all natural and made from herbs.. for u to actually believe tht nonsence then u basiclly deserve to be doing junk.. basically ur taaking very little d-bol and alot more fillers when taking PH.s.. so tht means tht ur gain half the results and alot more damage to the organs.. i have a good friend here in s.texas tht makes the GEARED UP PRODUCTS.. and he will even tell you himself tht its basically junk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but this is a big biz and there is 100 sucker for every 1 knowledgeable person tht knws better not to take tht stuff.. i hope tht this clear thing up for ya..
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