Thread: Cutaxyl 150
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Old 04-01-2014, 06:50 PM
BGR384 BGR384 is offline
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You need at least 3 10ml vials. you can do 1ml or 2ml ed or eod. You must stay on a schedule or it's counter productive. I got 1 vial from a buddy last summer and he said once a week 1ml I didn't know anything. My first rodeo. Did some research and now I have some knowledge. It got me cut and big some water retention and I gained 10 solid pounds. I did seem to be injury prone due to the strength I had I was able to lift a lot and my bones and muscles were not prepared I shouldn't have over done it. I had quick recovery times I could work out forever and play b ball and boxing with go endurance. My basketball game improved. So don't over due it. Libido took a hit and girlfriend said I tasted like chemicals lol. the mix is awesome and I cannot wait to start my next cycle. I am getting everything I need first and then starting my first real cycle.

weeks 1 -12cut mix 150 150mg eod
Test p 100mg eod
That's 300 mg per week of test p
Weeks 1-4 Winnie oral 50mg ed
Weeks 8-12 Winnie oral 10mg 3x ed
Weeks 13-17 pct clomid
Should I use an AI through out cycle for a dry leaner look ?
Or only if needed?
Thank you
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