Thread: New Contest
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Old 03-07-2014, 08:10 PM
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valhallaking valhallaking is offline
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i really like the idea of member incentives for posting. it keeps people active and keeps the board active.

i dont know how the other sources would feel about it but i would be down to donate to the incentive pool for this type of member incentive


Originally Posted by Nilbog View Post
I have noticed that when I post a question I might get 2-3 responses, or none at all, but I can see that 100 people or so have read it within a week's time. I think the thing that would make this board superior is more action. My idea is creating a sort of reward system for interacting on the discussion boards, where every time you hit a certain increment of posts, let's say 50, HM would automatically generate a coupon code and send it to you on behalf of a randomly chosen HM sponsor. I think that would attract more people to get accounts for the savings and encourage cross pollination between the board's sponsors and the board's members.

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