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Old 02-21-2014, 03:02 PM
biggin biggin is offline
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I was walking out the door last night to go for dinner (chest day and I was starving) so let me kind of expand on the what's and why's.

It sounds like you may already have low test levels. Now, without knowing how you cycle, age, base test levels etc there's honestly no way to answer this question. Let's just say you are 18, did low test for a year, then yes, you could probably easily get back to a 'normal' level since your body would already be putting out a decent amount anyway. If you were 40, had borderline low test, then did it? Then maybe yes, maybe no.

I had the same feeling a few years ago. I hadn't done any AAS in maybe 2-3 years. I was getting really lazy, had stopped working out, drinking more, eating like garbage. I finally went in to the doc and got my test level checked and it was in the 50's ng/dl. The baseline was 290-870. Now, was it genetic? From former AAS use? Because I got kicked in the balls in 4th grade? Or was it because I was living a lifestyle that was completely suppressing my test?

Whatever the reason, I now take test cyp every week and if I come off I go right back to the couch. My body just can't take hard workouts without being able to repair itself anymore. What you need to do is next time you come off cycle, do a decent PCT, give yourself a good 2 months then go get your test levels checked. I highly suggest going to a General Practitioner as they are much better versed these days on low test levels and are much cheaper than wellness clinics that don't take insurance. For instance I get mine checked every 6 months and costs me $25 for the office visit, $0 for the labs. A friend went to a wellness clinic and they charged him roughly $3000, did all kinds of weird saliva tests, and he wound up getting prescribed Androgel.

If you are feeling lethargic when off for a while the best thing is to go to the doc, see what's going on and take it from there. Without having much experience in this you really can't gauge how or why your body is doing what it's doing.
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