I thoroughly enjoy tire flipping. Would love to get one for the garage so I could flip it down the driveway. It's a great workout, gets the sweat going and the heart pumping without having to burn those excess calories on a treadmill or elliptical.
I've used kettlebells but not much. I own a decent sized one that I take offshore with me as I don't have access to a gym. However, even though they are all over the gym I don't like them over just about anything else.
I see people doing box jumps in between sets and maybe I'm not focusing on the same thing but when I'm lifting....... I'm lifting. If I had the energy to do box jumps then I probably didn't work as hard as I could have on the previous and the next set. I could possibly see doing these when working legs but my box would have to be about 3 inches high for me to make it.