Thread: a champs log
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Old 01-14-2014, 06:12 PM
championwarrior championwarrior is offline
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Man libido has been through the roof! Updates the first few weeks are going to be a bit slow just because it's a longer ester , but man I'm loving how smooth this stuff is! Also the labeling is very professional looking which I like. Also the program I'm running with this is Wendlers 5/3/1 , It's a very good program but instead of raising the lifts by 5 lbs for bench and over head press and 10 lbs to squat and deadlift , I'm going to be increasing it by 10 lbs for bench and roughly 15-20 lbs for squat and deadlift. If I don't I believe that I will outgrow the program way too much and I was recommended to do this by a few people who ran cycles while on 5/3/1 and are pretty experienced.

Diet at the moment is pretty much eat whatever I want as long as i'm getting the calories, one thing I've learned is on cycle don't be afraid to pack in calories, the more I eat on cycle the more I grow and get stronger, I do pack on a bit of fat but it's worth it. Only other supps I'll be taking is joint pills, I don't feel multis are needed when bulking since your getting an abundance of calories and nutrients, and creatine really hasn't done much for me, I eat plenty of EFA and I eat fish a few times per week so I don't need fish oils, and I don't like pre workouts. So just a good cycle, lots of food , and heavy lifting.
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