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Old 01-14-2014, 12:37 AM
ckcrown84 ckcrown84 is offline
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Today was an interesting workout. Signed up for an ironman competition for April. Decided to go in today and test my current push pull strengths... results were mixed.

Admittedly I have slacked off sense the meet, I drank over the weekend, and I'm in PCT so I honestly couldn't expect to perform at above or at my 100% in contest. That being said I can't bitch and I have until April to get my shit together.

My deadlift was better then expected 435lbs considering I only pulled like 440 or 445 at the meet
435 - YouTube

My bench was horrible today I couldn't get 415 which was shocking, but hey 405 is 97.59 % of my competition max. So I guess 405 is my starting point again
Few things to consider here... Well you can't be benching at 100% all the time so lets see how I do next Sunday and gauge from there
405 - YouTube

But for now 840lbs is my starting point
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