Whats your goal to bulk or cut ? I assume bulk for second cycle ...I like
Wks 1-4 Anadrol 50mg ed or Wks 1-4 Dbol @30-40md ed
Wks 1-10 Sust 250mg (Twice a week) Mon n Thur but I like 750mg ew Mon ,Wed ,Sat
PCT starts 2wks after last injection
Clomid Day 1 @300mg
Day 2 @150mg
Day 3-7 @100mg ed
Day 8-21 @50mg ed
Make sure diet is in check
Increase calories if your not gaining much clean preferably but you can dirty bulk but most would be water weight when you come off . So eat clean bulk and up calories with all natty pb or almonds ,nuts . You can cheat here n there since youre bulking but clean way is to go . To gain quality solid mass
Liver support (milk thistle/NAC)
There are different protocols for pct's correct me if I'm wrong