Thread: dbol
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Old 12-23-2013, 01:13 PM
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Originally Posted by fpv123 View Post
i think ill use 50 mg first week of dbol see how I feel, then maybe up it to if I feel ok with the first week using dbol it wouldn't hurt to try 100mg a week,would it?
fpv123, what's the rational behind going up to 100mg of Dbol? Was that something you read somewhere?

I would agree with the other's, who've indicated that you might want to consider not going up to that high a dose, as you don't know how your body will handle that much (e.g. estrogen sides like gyno).

Do you have an anti-estrogen on hand that you could start taking if you do start to experience side effects?

From my own experience, I will go up to 80mg for no more than 6 weeks. I didn't start out with that dose though. When I started using Dbol (30 years ago), I started with a 40mg/day dose split AM & PM. I've found that I'm not someone who experiences problems with estrogen sides (but do have some Aromasin on hand if needed), but I've seen other's who've gotten gyno from 30mg day inside of 4 weeks.

Start with a low dose to see how you handle the Dbol, and perhaps have an anti-estrogen on hand in case you do start to experience some sides.

Just my $.02

Last edited by erich1b; 12-23-2013 at 04:48 PM.
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