Also little info on ow cycle is going
This is cycle as reminder
Wk1-6 dbol
Wk1-10 400ml deca
Wk1-10 400ml equipoise
Wk1-14 700ml test e
Well all was going good only second week in
But so far have put all pins in glutes
Not great not really had pip but pin last night and have little lumpish sore thing
Misses just recons just bit build up of oil so have to man up and start pinning in quads and rotate
Would she be right in thinking that just buildup of oil
Also second thing don't know if anythingn to do with cycle but my delts are s
ore ish everyday like I've worked them out everyday
Was thinking this may just be dbol giving pumps and my boxing is lot of shoulder work as punching can take toll and my shoulders just pumped ??