Thread: Cycle update
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Old 09-27-2013, 09:39 PM
ckcrown84 ckcrown84 is offline
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Default Cycle update

Hey everyone, for those of you who are following my log, and those who aren't, I just wanted to update everyone on what I am doing for my cycle and how things are going for the contest.
Currently I am running:
Kalpa Test Prop 75mg /day
Kalpa Anadrol 100mg / day (am - pm)

I will be running the above simple cycle for 25 days. By that time I am hoping my cycle arrives and I will kick it up a notch for the contest

Waiting on that package to arrive.

However, I have no doubt that my small dose of test and the anadrol will carry me through the next 25 days very very nicely.
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