15th August
Deadlifts and pendlay rows
I've been so busy recently I didn't find the time to post this, so it's a few days late . . .
3 warm up sets
3 working sets of 5, 3 and 2 reps
Basically all out effort and lift as heavy as I could!
Pendlay rows
3 warm up sets
3 working sets of 5, 4 and 3 reps
Same as the deadlifts but did a few more reps than expected
Did some triceps pressdowns afterwards as well
It's frustrating working so long and hard at the moment and having so little time to workout! I can't risk injury so I'm not pushing it, but with luck shoułd be back to a regular schedule very soon.
Last edited by stillgoingstron; 08-19-2013 at 09:26 AM.