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Old 08-11-2013, 10:41 PM
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Nalle Nalle is offline
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From SS wiki:


There are three VERY important point to take away from the repetition continuum.

First, strength and endurance cannot OPTIMALLY be developed at the same time since they are opposite of each other. This is why if you can do 50 dips and you start working weighted dips, your 50 dips will probably be a lower 30 or so the next time you try.

Developing maximal strength increases the potential for maximum endurance. This is why cyclists often work maximum strength work in their offseason. However, the potential for endurance must be realized by actually doing endurance work after strength is developed.

Strength takes longer to develop than endurance/conditioning.
So my question is - why go above 20 reps on "burn" excersice?
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