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Old 07-31-2013, 02:49 PM
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bitchtits31 bitchtits31 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: north of austin texas
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Default everything on gbn has turned out great!

I've had the pleasure of trying test e deca or eq from the following labs and have always been happy with the results. GP, Scirox, genshi, balkin, dragon, and now kalpa. As for ancillary and orals I've had assorted products from many of the above labs and loved them also. If the products weren't enough they also stand by the shipping procces and will keep in contact with you to answer any questions you have. My names adams3012 on gbn and you can read my reviews on the site. I'm real as hell not a company fake. I live nearin Austin Texas in a little town called hutto. God bless you all, especially huge Tom. The hardest working guy on the web!
YEAH BUDDY!!!!!!!!
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