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Old 07-16-2013, 03:17 AM
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oldfart oldfart is offline
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This is my personal experience from the past 6 months of brutal training.
Ok here goes, so I am 5'11" and weighed in at about 228+- couple # asked uncle Tom the same question and suggested the grapefruit diet and 1 hour cardio 4 days a week on empty stomach. No offense Tom but I hate cardio, but I know its the key. So I cut the shit out of carbs almost (ketosis and start my workout with 15-20the min. of H.I.T or tabata on eliptical....... 10 min done!
Wieght training consists of powerlifting one week, light wieght many reps one week, heavy weight low reps next week.
I workout six days a week and eat clean and have peeled off thirty pounds over the past two months. The belly arwa still needs work but this shit doesnt just fall off. Straight up you gotta get off your ass and bust it theres no magic pill no one exercise and nutrition is totally a big ass slice of the pie!
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