Yo Kalpa masteron and test the way I'm running it feels pretty good at week 2.. Just keepin' ya'll posted. Confident and thinkin' straight lol its always a good sign

Plus after only 10 days of eating nothing but brown rice, egg whites, protein shakes AM and PM, and stuffing with chicken (only to 2200 calories/day) and beastin' them workouts, my bodies already ready for the beach haha guess im just gonan be getting a bit better in the next 10 weeks
No complaints... I don't want to get blood work done cause to me cause thats just sketch, but I feel good and motivated. Just a sign that my test levels are elevating .. Got no response, so i didnt order anadrol, plus tren looks more interesting haha I might get oral tren for later, do the same cycle and just add tren... Why completely reinvent my cycles if the ones i already use are doing the trick?