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Old 05-25-2013, 11:17 AM
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Nalle Nalle is offline
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Sorry for lack of updates. Raised test levels made me waste a lot of time chasing girls (and actually meeting one very sweet one.... but who cares) and with finals going on it was and still is very hectic.

After the broken bone there wasn't any major progress. I couldn't squat for a few weeks (did front squats though) and deadlift was painful too. It's all good now and I'm doing the Wendler's challenge that was posted on T-nation a few weeks ago.

Next Monday (27.) is the first day of PCT. I am going to go with 100mg of clomid for the first week and then 50mg for 3 more weeks.
I had to take Nolva this week because my right nipple started to hurt badly. Because I've been depressed as a phuck for the last few days I think it is safe to conclude that me and Nolva don't like each other.

And here is my post cycle picture:

And pre-cycle for comparison:

Last edited by Nalle; 09-17-2016 at 07:26 AM.
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