Originally Posted by h4x0r2986
All, so this is my third cycle and I need any encouragement/opinions: I'm 5'11", 190, and BF of about 10%
First cycle:
1-4 Dbol 20mg/day
1-12 EQ Enanthate 500mg/wk
1-14 test Enanthate 500mg/wk
Second cycle:
1-12 test Prop 500mg/wk
1-10 EQ 600mg/wk
7-10 Anavar @ 50mg/day
THIRD cycle: (Currently just finished week 1)
1-12 test Enanthate 500mg/wk --(Will increase by 50mg/wk til 750)
1-12 Masteron Enanthate 600mg/wk
1-12 EQ 300mg/wk
9-12 Anavar @ 50mg/wk --(Will increase to 100mg for duration)
nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/25/25
Any advice or even bashing is welcome :P
Hello mate just stick with either 500mgs or 750 mgs of test per week no point in bringing it up by 50mgs per week.
im guessing your looking to gain some good size so id persoanl up the eq my 300mgs per week either drop the mast or bring the dose down its very very mild and just used mostly for hardenng you up (eq does that better) if you wantto do the anavar go ahead but start with 75mgs a day and up it from thee if needed. id also add dbol at that start 40mgs per day would be enough to get great size gains. all in all it would look something like this
1-6 dbol 40-50mgs per day
1-12 test Enanthate 750mg/wk
1-12 Masteron Enanthate 300mg/wk or drop it out
1-12 EQ 600mg/wk
9-12 Anavar @ 75mg per day
That would be sweet

running orals 6weeks or more is the way to go best gains will come from it