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Old 03-29-2013, 04:05 AM
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Topsy_Krets Topsy_Krets is offline
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Just got home from the gym. Here it is!

Bench w Dumbbells (go heavier)

Incline w Dumbbells (stay)

Dumbbell Flys (stay)

Seated Nautilus Press Machine (forced stay)

Triceps Pushdowns (GO HEAVIER)

Single Arm Dumbbell Tricep Extension:

Tricep Kickbacks:

I knew I should have went heavier on my bench press. Hell I did more weight last time. But hey that's what this log is for right? On the incline I did 2 sets and on the the third noticed almost a popping feel on my inside elbow. It didn't hurt, just was weird as I've never had anything like that happen. On the chest flys; I will stay at that weight for another week before moving up. The last 2 sets weren't how I like to lift. They were sloppy. On the Nautilus machine that's all the weight available for that machine but is a good isolator so I think I will keep that in the mix. Triceps Pushdowns. That was the best and heaviest exercise I've done for Pushdowns. 20 more pounds and I will be out of weight on that too which sucks cause I like the Pushdowns. Again, I don't know what or why but my triceps have shown the most growth and strength out of all muscles worked. I am astonished to say the least at my triceps. Standing tricep extension; everyone knows that isolates the lateral or long head of the triceps, nothing really exciting about it. I am a lot harder around the back part of my armpit and I know this exercise is doing what it's supposed to! Tricep Kickbacks are going very well I don't think I'm ready for that 5lb (only option) increase.

Had a strong week and look forward to next week! Any input positive or critiquing is welcome here.

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