About me
I am stay at home mom who trains at home, My style is strength/powerlifting oriented
M/W/F Stronglifts FBW plus assistance Tue/Thurs Zuzkacut cardio.
Since I got my stuff gbn I put on 13lbs and broke 200lbs on deadlifts and squat 1XBW
I weight 143lbs 5'4 and bodyfat is between 18-20%.
Today I deadlifted 225lbsx4
edit: I just started 50mgs of primo a week. Using the win to kick start the cycle . Since I am bloating some with win I will be dropping in a couple of weeks.
I tried Var I fcking hate var. Two times the bloat and bad acne.
I like winnie over var and primo over winnie.
pics from the first two weeks of starting cycle