@ Warmachine:
Well, I stopped using them at the end of last September, except for cymbalta. I stopped using this one about 1.5 month ago. The half life of cymbalta is about 12 hours (according to wikipedia) - "Duloxetine has an elimination half-life of about 12 hours"
So I should be good to go, right?
As fast as my body fat is concerned - I tried nearly everything and I'm quite frustrated about this topic. I put so much effort in losing fat - tired low intensitiy cardio, high intensitiy, eating less, eating more, working out like one crazy motherfucker. Nothing ever really worked.
I gotta say - I had my abs visible once. It was in 2009. I trained almost everyday, ate less and started every workout with about 30 to 45 minutes of cardio. Don't know why it worked back then - it makes no sense at all to me today.
I tried that once again about a year ago due to desperation, but no wonder my body fat increased.
So I don't really know what to do?
I figured I would gain some size with a short 8-to 10 week test p cycle and continue eating right the whole time so my metabolism can adopt to the amounts I'm eating these days and then it's gotta work out over the next few month, right?