Thread: my next cycle
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Old 03-01-2013, 02:30 AM
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I and others I know wouldn't touch tren after all the horror stories I've/we've heard. I know a dude who went on Tren a at 90eod and he couldn't sleep, couldn't function, got the tren cough that would last about 20 mins after every pin, had extremely weird and violent dreams (raping his daughter was one of them). Waay too many negative sides that it's not worth the risk to me.

If you're going to I sure wouldn't start it at 200 eod. Start off with 90-100 which seems to be the most common dose or go up to 125 like Euro said.

I have no experience with HGH but IGF1 works quite well with localized injections within 15 minutes of finishing your workout.
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