anabolics 2004 book nebody read?
you need to get the book "anabolics 2004" or '05 to gain some knowledge for starters. there's people taking dbol for up to 6 months at 30mg a day with no life threatening problems. there's people taking a-bombs for 12 weeks at 100mg per day with no problems. get blood work done and watch cholesterol numbers. don't be intimitated by people on these boards and what the media tells you. the more knowledge you gain will eventually help you sort out the b.s. from the facts on these boards and in the media. i would suggest doing other research in the new england journal of medicine also.
i know somebody has read this book?
Disclaimer: does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
"Everybody want to be a bodybuilder, but don't nobody want to lift no heavy ass weight." - Ronnie