I'm sorry for a late reply. The weight seems to be the same. It's very hard to tell because scale at home and at my regular gym gives different numbers and both of them are shitty and inaccurate.
But it feels like I lost some fat and I can feel my muscles growing. The same feeling I get when bulking on 4k calories (well except the fat loss of course
Next week I'm going to up my calories by 1k. I just need to come up with the best way to do it. Sadly it seems that I'm allergic to nuts. Milk seems to be the best, cheapest and most convenient option. Protein is around 200-250g now. So it should be almost 300 next week.
Today's workout was awesome. Easily met my previous 1 rep max on deadlift after 7 heavy sets. Only problem was that my lower back got so insanely tight that I had huge problems doing rows.