Nalle here reporting - second week of my cycle.
Gym cannot be any better. Workouts feel awesome and I'm progressing without any hiccups.. plus the cold I caught is gone.
From next week I'm going to do only 5 reps (not W1 3 W2 5) on major lifts in order to increase weight every time. When (and if) that gets too difficult I'm going to switch to 3 reps.
I'm also going to add additional triceps and biceps exercises to Tuesday's workout. I was always neglecting my arms and to my big surprice I've found out that they are actually quite enjoyable to do.
Last pinning was the worst so far. I put the needle too close to my knee (not in the meaty part) and during the end it started to hurt like crazy. So I pulled the syringe out, tried to remove the needle - couldn't, it was stuck - had to take a new syringe, squirt it into it and then finally finish the pinning. At least the pip is getting very manageable.
Food log for today (and probably rest of the week):
8 eggs (4 whole, 4 whites)
Shake - blueberries, protein shake, oats
Chicken with noodles - chinese fastfood
Chicken burger with some vegies
Shake - blueberries and protein shake
100g of nuts
Pork with rice
I hope that it is starting to look better
I'm only focusing on protein this week. I'm going to adjust calories later.