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Old 02-04-2013, 09:19 AM
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Nalle Nalle is offline
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Thank you guys for all your replies. I really appreciate every good advice.

ncspacy: I was actually looking at Nizoral the other day. I'm going to buy it next time I go to a pharmacy.

dfwtp: We'll see. It would be awesome if it would turn out like you say.

James42: Understood. I'm going to look into it tonight. I always thought that 531 is even slower then Madcow's..

Eurovisionas: I wasn't too anxious about pinning until I saw that video But very informative - Vastus Lateralis it is.

- So it would be W 1-12 - Adex, then W 12-14 Nolva (20mg/d?) until Test is gone and then PCT?
- I've read mixed things about HCG so in the end I decided against it.

Thank you

Cornish_Celt: 50mg seems way too much, 20mg too little and 30mg is almost exactly one package. Do you think I should do more?
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