Thread: My Order
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Old 01-15-2013, 11:59 PM
biggin biggin is offline
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Default My Order

It was a few weeks ago but my order came in and is working nicely. The Sust 350 is good, clen is good, but I have to say my Tren never came in. However, I in no way hold gbnstore responsible for the no-show. I was one of the unlucky people who ordered a week before Sandy hit so it's probably floating around in the Atlantic right now.

I would definitely recommend, customer service is great, and just for the record I have not and will not look for a reship. Just letting you know not to order when you see swirling masses of weather in the ocean. I know it was probably sent in good faith and since I got no seizure letter I think it may have just gotten lost in the after storm damage.
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