2nd day of no dbol. I've lost some of the bloat which feels really good.
I've been sweating really bad the last couple weeks. I'm not really sure what the cause of it is. That's pretty much the only side effect I've had, aside from gaining 40 pounds and getting way stronger

I'm starting the third meso cycle of my training tomorrow. If I can squeeze out one more month of the gains I've already had I will be extremely happy.
I'm currently eating 4500 calories a day. Starting tomorrow Im planning on jumping to 5000 calories a day.
My current one rep maxes are:
Bench 235
Squat 325
Deadlifts 420
These are calculated maxes using Jim Wendlers formula. Weight x reps x .0333 + weight
Not the same as actually hitting the weight but I've found it to be pretty accurate