Hello HM
Hello People,
Came across yourselves browsing the interwebs. I'm from Little old St.Ives in Cornwall, been training seriously for about a year and half. Im into strength work aswell as hypertrophy and am currently using a powerbuilding type split of lower reps for my first big compounds then moving onto a few select isolation movements. This type of training for me is working well and of course im really enjoying it. Current maxes at 94kg are 145kg bench, 80kg OHP, 200kg squat with belt and wraps to parallel and below. 200KG deadlift conventional.
Recently finished my first cycle which was test.e 500mg pw for 14 weeks. Didn't use a oral kickstart or prop of which now I slightly regret but I decided to follow advice from various people on internet about starting light.
Currently I'm into my third week of PCT 100/100/50/50 clomid plus 20/20/20/20 Nolva. Strength is coming up again and intensity in the gym is at a high so feeling great compared to expectations of PCT.
So yea theres the basics on myself and seeya around