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Old 03-31-2010, 10:00 AM
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Cornish_Celt Cornish_Celt is offline
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If you are intending to use it, then do so as safely as possible:

Getting the right dosage of DNP is rather easy to do although the importance of proper dosage cannot be overstated. It is far better for one to err on the side of too little rather than too much, certainly in the case of the novice who does not know if they are allergic to the substance. As stated before, the commonly used dosage by bodybuilders and other reasonably lean persons is 3-5mg/kg of bodyweight. This would mean that a 100-kilogram bodybuilder would use anywhere from 300-500mg per day. Experienced users commonly are found using up to 800mg/day relatively safely, and beginners sometimes find that they enjoy 3-5 pounds of fat loss per week with as little as 200mg/day. Dosing is highly individualized and most generalizations tend to collapse quite quickly; as a result, none will be attempted. Start on the low end of the scale and see how you react. It is not recommended to take more than 300mg at any one time; a larger man taking 600mg per day should divide the dose into a 5:00PM portion and another portion taken approximately 30 minutes before bedtime. Someone taking 300mg/day could easily take one dose in the evening. The typical cycling program is to do 7 or 8 days on, followed by 7 or 8 off; this should not decrease thyroid output dramatically and makes use of T3 (triiodothyronine, brand name Cytomel) unnecessary in most cases. T4-T3 conversion does decrease dramatically in the liver due to excessive heat; this begins within 24 hours of the first dose. However, there is usually adequate active thyroid hormone to make it through 8 days of using it while maintaining elevated body temperature. After approximately 3-5 days, the user may find themselves with a waking temperature that is no longer elevated, even though they are still using DNP. This is due to the decrease in T3 and may signal the necessity of either the use of exogenous T3 in subsequent cycles or shorter cycles of the drug. In addition, the schedule given works nicely because the user is able to enjoy the anabolic rebound effect on a relatively regular basis. Also, longer cycles might leave the muscle fibers in a state of relative dehydration and "starved" of ATP for too long; both of these readily contribute to catabolism.


While using DNP, supplements can greatly aid both in the effectiveness of the therapy and the comfort of the user. Of particular importance are antioxidants and the following quantities are recommended:

Magnesium (1500mg)*
Vitamin C (3000mg in divided doses)*
Vitamin E (1200 IU in divided doses)*
Glutathione (200mg in divided doses)***)
NAC (various amounts)**
T3 (dose according to personal preference)**
Calcium (2000mg not taken with the Magnesium)
5-HTP (if not on antidepressant medication) (various amounts)****
Meridia, Redux, or Fenfluramine (various amounts)****
Hydroxycitric Acid (particularly in the evenings to curb cravings)****
Pyruvate (2-6g/day in divided doses)
Glycerol (3 tbsp/day in divided doses)
Alpha-Lipoic Acid (500-1000mg daily in divided doses)


* = Integral component of DNP program
** = Of questionable (although possible) importance)
*** = Of particular importance to women for prevention of cataracts
**** = For the purpose of appetite suppression (may not be needed)

Disclaimer: does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.

Last edited by Cornish_Celt; 03-31-2010 at 10:04 AM.
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