Thread: Hgh and Test
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Old 03-30-2010, 04:21 PM
bostonpaul bostonpaul is offline
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If this is your first time with test, 250mgs is thought to be the minimum dose for body building. If your not worried about getting much bigger, 250mg will at least give you a nice boost, but 400mg would be better. Remember, you don't keep all of your test gains, so why not make them great?

If your only looking for a really lean look, you could do the test 250 -E-C? a week, and add in some GP andro mix 3 - 4 ccs a week spread out
mon, wed, Fri and you should harden up like a rock I would think.

But if you just want more size, simply up the test to 400mg-500mgs and you'll be pumping Bro.
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