Thread: New guy
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Old 09-17-2012, 04:18 PM
James42 James42 is offline
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Default New guy

Just introducing myself. I was referred here by
Ive been a member of another bodybuilding forum for a long time but ive lurked here for awhile.
Im getting everything in order to run my first cycle in a few months. I have a few weeks left on my current bulk and then ill cut down to around 10%bf before i start.
My stats are:
205 lbs
14-15% bf
5 years training experience, 3 years of actually knowing what im doing
Squat 290x1
Dead 390x1
Bench 210x1(sad i know)
My lifts and weight would be higher but i work a very physical job and its a never ending battle trying to balance my training and recovery. Thats why ive decided to run a cycle. Im getting laid off this winter and i want to take advantage of the time off for recovery.
so far my plan for my first cycle is,
12 weeks 500mg test e
hcg every fourth week at 500iu
Nolva on hand just in case

Week14-15, 40mg nolva, 100mg clomid
Week16-18, 20mg nolva, 50mg clomid

Any feedback on wether this looks good or not would be appreciated
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