Gota do that you gota do to get your goals.
Ah going to do some cardio shortly then 2moro go nuts on chest might even do a bit of legs today training hasnt being great the past coulpe days sleeping in alot checking up on the dog he didnt sleep in 3days or so before we got in put down very sad
had a tumor on his liver pushing it back on hisbody leaking fluid making it hard for him to breath got worse when he was lying down so thats why i think he didnt really sleep
at lest his ok now in peace.
Will try to get back to normal asp bang up the weights bang down the food well as much as you can on a cut hopfully will add some lean mass to i hope so i really do after this cycle and pct going to do time on = time off then bang on a 18 - 20 week cycle for mass keep diet tight. atm getting around 2100 kcals a day so i should be dropping quite enough what do you guys think. i train very hard always have