Didnt do my arms yesterday dog is old for his breed and was quite worried about him didnt want to do anything only the past couple of months hes getting worse
doing arms now very shortly. ive upped my carbs im near the 14 stone mark at 5,6 so im happy atm i know some is water from dbol and diet drinks im trying to cut back on as well id be happy if my weight keeps going up like it as with no real fat gains will add more kcals as the weeks go on when my body needs it training is going well over all recovering much faster getting oily skin and hair the past couple of days now more veins are becoming easyier to see everyday all over my body feel strong happy. will post more pics this week topless (nohomo) lolif i can phone cam isnt the best quality and cant get any1 to do it for me (dont want them to see yet) i keep thinking about Doing shows from day 1 when i first started training thouse 4 and a half or 5 years ago that was my goal always was but i feel like if i cut up now id look great (not trying to be cocky) im nearly 14 stone at 5"6" looking pretty well all doe i do have wide hips taht always annoyed me cause any bit of fat i carry makes it look alot more with wide hips. anyway check in soon guys sorry about my little rant there ha train hard eat hard and grow