Thoughts on my training?
I currently do 5/3/1. My programming looks like this for the main compound lift:
Week 1 - 3 x 5+ @ 80% of 1RM (2 sets of 5 and then a set of as many over 5 as poss)
Week 2 - 3 x 3+ @ 85% of 1RM ( 2 sets of 3 and then a set of as many over 5 as poss)
Week 3 - 5/3/1+ @ 90% of 1RM (set of 5, 3 and then as many over 1 as poss)
Current 1RM percentages (actual 1RM was slightly higher before back injury):
Squat - 165kg
Press - 77.5kg
Deadlift - 210kg
Bench - 90kg
Mon - Squat
Tue - Press
Thu - Deadlift
Fri - Bench
Assistance is as follows:
Mon - Squat lockouts (triples up to 3RM), RDL, Leg Press, Dips/Biceps, Abs
Tue - Push Press (5x5), Speed bench, close grip bench, pull ups, face pulls
Thur - Trap bar deads (triples up to 3RM), Speed Press, Kroc rows, Triceps, Abs
Fri - Pendlay rows, DB incline bench, flys, seated rows
Assistance is either 5x5, 5 x 10, 5 x 12 or 2 x 20/30
Any views on this?