Today delts/hams
front press cable. 90, 90,90,90 drop sets 70, 50
side raises- 15 for 4 sets of 15-20 reps
rear bent over delts- 30 for 15 reps 4 sets
rear machine delts- 110, 100, 100, 100 for 4 sets of 12
up right rows, 90 for 3 sets of 10
stiff leg deads- 135 for 4 sets of 10
seated leg curls- 110, 4 sets of 15 super sets with leg curls ( lower leg curls hips down)
cardio 30 mins at 120 HR
I will try to get my pic loaded, it is not letting me get the web codes on there....
total for contest:
up 14lbs
BF increase 1.5% total...
up 11.7 lbs of muscle mass with body fat indications...
not bad.... still have 8 weeks left on cycle:
hope to get 5 more lbs out of it.. I will go right into a diet now since my body fat went up... 10% is my max, beyond that i just keep getting fatter by the day.. if i stay under 10 i can maintain my body fat levels much easier..
not 22 anymore... lol
good luck to you all who entered!