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Old 07-17-2012, 02:16 AM
Heretolearn Heretolearn is offline
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Red face Newbie introduction

Just a quick hello and maybe a few questions..

I have read through many body builder forums throughout the years and this is the first that I have ever registered on. Also, I have never been brave enough make any type of online order.

So far this forum seems to be made up of some really good information and has compelled me to at least register and hopefully get answers to some questions.

I appreciate the fact that their are seemingly reputable sponsors and helpful forum members.

I believe I have heard in the past of these type of forums and sites.. etc. being set up for the sole purpose of cracking down on end users of products that may be illegal in certain parts of the world. How is one to know that even the forum is not a roadblock covered in blue lights? and even more when you register to shop at a sponsored site you have to register your user name from the forum? Seems you would want one of these sites to have as little of your personal info as possible.

I read some where that people receive seizure letters from customs but can still get here orders reshipped. Sounds awesome... but are they not in a high amount of trouble when they have received a seizure letter? lol

I have more but I'll stop here for now.

Sorry... i guess this is a bit much for an introduction.

thank you for any reply you can give and if anyone has really good info please feel free to PM.
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