Thread: Chopper
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Old 05-15-2012, 10:54 PM
kaynoh kaynoh is offline
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Well usually my posts contain all kinds of questions and stories and whatever else comes flowing out of my brain when i type and can turn into a full page run on sentence lol and also i can seem like a dick with all the cussing and talkin shit about people places or things i dont like hahaha but wtf we are all adults here for the most part and i never just attack someone in the open if i really had a problem i do the PM.So i never really expect my questions to be answered fast if at all and right now i need fast and need knowledge about diet and workouts that are proven to produce mass and definition thats all i want is to not be carrying around nasty ass adipose yellow blubber and to look and feel good.
But i grew up in Boston and poor and had an ex marine viet nam vet alcoholic for a dad who was called "the animal" for a reason so i may not be that nice idk hahahaa i try to be and i have a fucked up sense of humor that some people dont get usually west coasters

Last edited by kaynoh; 05-15-2012 at 10:55 PM. Reason: yes
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