Pissing my brains out
Dont know if the first test shot had anything to do with it or not BUT
I was feeling bloated as hell just before the first dose. Then after I started pissing and I mean every couple hours sometimes more. Not bloated anymore. Of course the supplements make it florescent yellow.
second dose will be tomorrow
Also had some soreness and a little redness with heat at injection site. This has just about gone away . Started at about 24 hours and will have lasted about 72 hours. Not bad but noticeable. Not the dark angry red of infection. Just swelling circle about the circumference of an orange. Took a little Motrin last night and that either helped or it got better on its own. Dose tomorrow will be on other side. I read a bunch about the swelling and it seems pretty common and specially the first time injecting at a site.
Im very careful of staying clean and sterilizing the site as well as the vial top. Sure dont what to have to go to the doc here and try to explain. That would be a bad thing.